Friday, August 10, 2012

Kitchen Organization!

Refrigerator and Freezer organization.  I have to admit that my freezer was a hot mess and it seems as though the refrigerator ends up in the same state of disorder every week.  I was getting pretty tired of "searching" for what I needed in the freezer and through pinterest and other sites, I think I've found the perfect way to keep it in order.  I love the way I can actually find things within the first 10 seconds of opening the door :)  Isn't that amazing???  Maybe not to some of you but to me it's another thing that adds pure joy to my day!  So here is my new and improved freezer.

I used some pretty little oval labels that I printed and I thought it just added a little something to my bins.

Now onto the refrigerator it was this morning.  I always have to purge it right before I head out to the groceries.  It seems there are always a ton of leftovers {always only about a bite left}.  That drives me crazy...but it's my own fault for not purging as I go.  I always hate finding a jar of ricotta cheese that's gone bad before I even open it and I'm getting better at that thanks to my meal planning, however I won't still happens!  So here is a picture of my refrigerator before I tackled it {I'm a little ashamed to show you this...}.  It has to be done to show you the progress.  I always need to wash my shelves when I'm purging I always feel good about putting food in a clean fridge!  I've used a few bins from Walmart and will be getting 2 more like the one on the right side of the after picture.



The other areas of my fridge that I hated because of the constant disorder is the fruit and vegetable drawer.  So in order to tame the craziness of these areas, I purchased these pretty containers!  LOVE them.  So now, when I get home from the groceries I prepare {wash and cut} my fruits and veggies and store them in these pretty little things.  They fit perfectly in the drawers.  What  a difference from the fruits all piled up and mixed up.  I keep my apples and pears and any other fruit or veggie that I don't cut on the side.

  It seems as though it's so much easier to keep items contained that to have them constantly falling all over the place!  So here you have it.  I'm sure many of you out there have an even better system but this has been working for me and I love the feeling of being organized...Really, is there anything more "fun"! lol

Now onto the drawers {is this organizing thing ever gonna end? I don't think so!}.  The utensils drawer was fine but the other drawer with all the big spoons, latels, spatulas, etc... was another one of my messes I just kept putting off!  It still isn't perfect but when you see the now picture you'll be able to picture the before with all this stuff just tossed in there!

No I think if I get two more of the little containers I should be good.  I'll be back at a later time with the results of this drawer.  I think I need to purge this and get rid of some of the things I probably don't use.

I'll also have to come back and so my progress with my paper mess!  It seems that all our papers/mail ends up on the island, which isn't a pretty sight!  I've found an old mail holder that had been tucked away for a few years now and I'm hoping to cut and paint and glue and make it useful again.  Will see how well that will turn out.  I'll have to share with you once that happens.  

Hope your Friday is a good one!

House of Hepworths