Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Children's Playroom

Good Morning everyone!  I keep going from one project to the you can see I am one of those people who has too many projects going at the same time!  Back to my playroom project today!  I really can't wait to get everything started.  I was able to get some pillows on sale at Walmart last week and was so excited! With 3 kiddos I needed 15 pillows.  That could've been expensive but I got each pillow for $2.50!   I love the feeling of saving money :).  I've had this project in the back of my mind for some time now.  After seeing these on Pinterest a few times I thought it would be good for the kiddos when they're watching a movie or just want to hang out on the floor.    Now I just have to find the perfect materials for each one.  They have to be different because I can already here the "MOMMY she took mine...yes it's mine because mine doesn't have a stain on it!" and want to avoid any and all arguing I can :) 

I thought these looked so cozy!  My plan is to find the perfect materials and use them to figure out the colors of the room.  You always need a starting point to focus on and help inspire the room and I think these just might be it.  I'm thinking I want something fun but nothing with character themes! I want a room that they will be able to grow with.  I've always tried to organize their playroom in sections or centers.  I love having separate areas for different activities.  Here are some of the areas I want to create:  
  1. Reading corner
  2. Dramatic play area with kitchenette, dress up clothes and their little house tent.
  3. Computer center
  4. Building center {for my little man who will certainly enjoy this}
  5. Toy center
I won't be adding an art center in this particular room just because we'll use my craft room for that.  I want to have paintings on the wall for each center.  What are some of the things you have in your playroom that make it awesome?  Any pictures you can share?  I'm looking for some great ideas I might be able to incorporate in this room.

I really want to design this room as best I can.  I know the kids will love being down there once it's ready for them.  They like being down there now, but it's just so chaotic with my exercise equipment at one end and then the toys at the other.  So there you have it!  My "to dos" for this room at this point are finding the materials for the pillow mats and the cushion for the pallet seating.  Wish me luck :)