- Daily to do list
- Weekly overview of chores (each day)
- Cleaning checklist
- Menu planning/Lunch planning on one side and my grocery list on the other
- My 52 weeks of cleaning chart
- Monthly Calendars with all events (I insert the kiddos school reminders in here)
- Weight Loss/Fitness Tracking
- Vacation Planning {Which I must say is my absolute FAVORITE)} :)
- Project Checklist
Again, it's amazing the feeling I have doing these lists and then having the joy of crossing things off as I go...I don't know why but it just makes the accomplishments real. I'm really a visual person, that's all!
As you can see there are a lot of sections that have to do with cleaning...I DO love to have a clean house. There's just something about walking around in crumbs and dirt that doesn't jive with me :) Having things laminated does give me a little of a happy tingly feeling! I'm all about recycling, composting and trying to do things using "greener" methods. I have a separate binder for my coupons which I love. Having it all in one binder was just a little much for me. I went on amazon and found these perfect coupon holders to put in the binder I found at Big Lots:
It's so much easier now that I have these to organize everything! I have yet to find a coupon that doesn't fit! I separated by sections: Dairy, Meats, Condiments, Snacks, and Household good. I'll have to add a picture of the binder later...you'll never guess what print is on it....ZEBRA! Not sure if I'm going over board with the zebra, but for right now I'm enjoying it :) To maximize my savings, I even have a spreadsheet with items I tend to purchase on a weekly basis to compare what the weekly sales have to offer. Again, I may be going overboard, but for now I am loving the savings! I must admit that I'm new to the couponing world so I still have much to learn. I can't believe I use to think "$0.50 coupon...what the heck am I gonna do with that!"...now I'm saving over $15-20 a week just with coupons! What an idiot I was all those years, giving stores my hard earned money to now realize I can keep some of it in my pocket! They say "live and learn"...this to me is more like "burn money and learn"!!! Oh well...water under the bridge, but I wised up and am now on the wagon :)
Wishing you all a wonderful Thursday :)