Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a great week. It's been super busy this way. With work, the kiddos, school and all the rest, I've been finding that I'm running out of time {what's new???} Well, tonight was a fast and furious type of night :) I was definitely lit up! haha I also want to apologize for skipping my Sweet Thursday post, but I will post a desert and it'll be my Sweet Thursday...on Saturday! lol
So my nights usually consist of putting the kiddos to bed and then making lunches, doing dishes, laundry and all the other fun chores that are on my list:) Last night I decided I was taking the night to complete a few crafty {or not so crafty} projects I've been wanting to do! The list is long, believe me. Checking a few things off felt SO good:) So I poured a glass of wine and enjoyed my evening.
Just like everyone else {or so it seems} I've been decorating for fall! I love how it gives the house a little more warmth. So I'll include a few pictures of that too.
I am so thankful I came across Brandi's blog {Don't Disturb This Groove} a few weeks ago. She made these awesome confetti glasses that I just had to have:) I've been thinking that it would be great to have custom wine glasses. I hate having friends over and not knowing who's glass is who's. Once I was done with the wine glasses, I had some fun with our regular glasses {which we've had for years}, they are so much fun now :) So here is my version of the painted glass:
All I needed was a little acrylic paint {I used $0.57 Walmart paints} some brushes and sponges to play around with and voila. I cured the glass the same way Brandi did, I was a little skeptical of this and crossed my fingers that the glass wouldn't break:) I put the glasses in a cold oven and set it at 350 degrees, then let them cure for 30 minutes and then let them cool down in the oven.
So my nights usually consist of putting the kiddos to bed and then making lunches, doing dishes, laundry and all the other fun chores that are on my list:) Last night I decided I was taking the night to complete a few crafty {or not so crafty} projects I've been wanting to do! The list is long, believe me. Checking a few things off felt SO good:) So I poured a glass of wine and enjoyed my evening.
Just like everyone else {or so it seems} I've been decorating for fall! I love how it gives the house a little more warmth. So I'll include a few pictures of that too.
I am so thankful I came across Brandi's blog {Don't Disturb This Groove} a few weeks ago. She made these awesome confetti glasses that I just had to have:) I've been thinking that it would be great to have custom wine glasses. I hate having friends over and not knowing who's glass is who's. Once I was done with the wine glasses, I had some fun with our regular glasses {which we've had for years}, they are so much fun now :) So here is my version of the painted glass:
All I needed was a little acrylic paint {I used $0.57 Walmart paints} some brushes and sponges to play around with and voila. I cured the glass the same way Brandi did, I was a little skeptical of this and crossed my fingers that the glass wouldn't break:) I put the glasses in a cold oven and set it at 350 degrees, then let them cure for 30 minutes and then let them cool down in the oven.
No more getting glasses mixed up! They're not perfect, but I like the way they came out. So after the glasses were done, I was on to the next project. I went to Walmart and purchased a few items to make a wreath. I've seen so many beautiful ones this week and thought I'd try my hand at one.
So I purchased a straw wreath ($2.97), and I purchased a few strands of leaves and flowers ($10.00). A little hot glue, some cutting, twisting and gluing and this is what i had. I wanted to put it on the outside of the door, but then my husband bursted my bubble reminding me that when it rains, the colors will probably run and the wreath would probably be ruined...so I settle for the inside of the door :)
While doing my fall decorating, I realized I really wanted to have something on our dining room table. It can't be too much as we do eat all of our meals there. I remembered I had some burlap and thought I could cut that and make a smaller runner. I also had an empty jar of salsa that I kept to find some creative way to reuse it. I thought it would make a cute candle holder. I used some twine and hot glue and simply put a dab of glue and spun that twine all the way around to the top of the jar. Then to make it a little fancier, I tied a ribbon to the top and took some of the leaves and flowers from my Walmart purchases and glued those to the front. So here is what our table now looks like.
Some of the other things that I've done will go in another post on organizing . So to finish, here are a few of the decorations I've been scattering around our house. I really do love decorating. The house feels so alive :)
Thanks to Love, Pomegranate House for the free printable...I LOVE it!
Pretty self explanatory...instead of using the vases I had I thought these mason jars would look good. I cut two strips of burlap and hot glue them around the top. It was missing a little something so I added these button that I secured with hot glue.
Well there you have it! So much for one post, but I was so excited with what I got done that I had to share :) Hope you all have an amazing Saturday!